Randall STEM Club Fundraisers
- Friends & Family Trivia Night Randall Cafeteria - February 22, 2024
Magic is in the air at RMS STEM Club!!!
Our 2nd Annual RMS STEM CLUB BOOSTERS Family/ Friends Trivia Night is coming up on February 22nd.
$5 for a seat OR Grab a TABLE for 8 of your favorite people and compete together!

Doors Open at 6pm with games beginning at 6:30pm-8pm.
Several rounds of trivia for ALL AGES (and yes, only ONE round of "Harry Potter" questions

Pre-Purchased Chick-Fil-A meals
available to enjoy while you "Trivia" the night away!

Bring CASH for the Snack/dessert/Soft drinks/Waters Concessions too!
Purchase your tickets beginning this Saturday, Feb 3, at noon! @https://rmsstemclubboosters.square.site/
- The STEM Club is now using RaiseRight as a fundraiser! You can now shop for eGift cards to your favorite stores AND help STEM - At no extra cost! Here's an example of how it works!
-BUY A GIFT CARD Buy a $100 Gap eGift card from RaiseRight, with 14% earnings. Pay with your bank account or credit card.
-USE IT INSTANTLY Your $100 eGift card is delivered to your online “Wallet” instantly, ready to use or save for later.
-EARN AUTOMATICALLY You automatically earned $14 for our STEM Club fundraising account. Way to go!
To get started you’ll need to download the app onto your phone from your app store. Once you have installed the app, you are ready to either setup your account, or sign in using your existing Scrip account.
To setup an account, open the RaiseRight app and click Join a Program. Enter the
School’s Enrollment Code ZB863SYYUIYN. Create your profile.
If you already have an account, sign in and scroll down to Your Organizations. Select Join Another Organization and enter code ZB863SYYUIYN
PLEASE NOTE: We can only offer eGift Cards at this time, so please DO NOT select Physical Cards. Also, we can only accept payment types of Bank Account or Credit Card.
- Car Magnets - please go to rmsstemclubboosters.square.site
- Additional STEM T-shirts - please go to rmsstemclubboosters.square.site
- To DONATE to the club, please go to rmsstemclubboosters.square.site Randall STEM Club is a 501c3 non profit and a booster club associated with Randall Middle School.
Stay tuned for additional fundraiser opportunities!